Deep in their roots, All flowers keep the light. ~Theodore Roethke

On the flank of Bald Mountain, lies a garden where Jacqueline can safely vanish, hours at a time.

Autumn is the Spring of Winter, so said Toulouse-Lautrec. The whole landscape, like a chameleon, and almost instantly, changes from green to all shades of red and yellow. The glorious season is upon us again.
Rutilant berries basking in the light. Offerings to the birds, like organic decorations their colors adorn the landscape. When the rest of the world loses its color, they explode in a fiery ball of color.
Winged Giant munching on a butterfly bush. I have spent many hours observing these wonders, so close to them that I could -almost- feel their breath. Magical moments they indeed were.
Queen Cleomes ~ Using a close-up lense gives a priviledged look at their private life. Delicate, they are the poets of the garden.
Early morning light sets the tone for the day ahead. A walk to the beaver pond, collecting autumn leaves, listening to the raven's gurgling croak or the coyote's howling. A heavenly walk. Spirit lifting.
Echaniceas ~ Bees are very attracted to echanicea, that's why they never get a cold. Just kidding! Their cone is a never ending fascination for the photographer.
Nasturtiums ~ Jacqueline planted a handful of them in a pot. While they were growing I was captivated with the shape of their leaves and the raindrops hanging from them.
Shirley Poppies ~ New to the garden, they made their delicate presence felt because of their grace and elegance . Bees danced with them in the continual breeze crisscrossing the garden.
Tulips ~ It's the Carnival of Venice in the garden. A pageant of brilliant colors confirming the winter is over. They give a preview of things to come in the summer.
Zinnias ~ They were plentiful this year, feeding grounds for many bees and monarch butterflies. They do last until November and maybe even longer if they had not been killed by a frost.
Hibiscus ~ Their flowers are majectic, even if lasting only one day. The two bushes Jacqueline has planted have been most productive. More planting is planned!
California Poppies ~ Their colorful and delicate flowers have always been a favorite of ours. In order to phograph them I have to lie on the ground, giving a deeper sense of connection to the world.


The idea, behind this site, is to bring you, under one roof, all the links to the various pages we sent you separately over the last two years or so. Above is a small sampler of all the images you can see here - just to wet your appetite. Well represented on this site are photos of flowers that are/were happily growing in Jacqueline's Garden, taken during various seasons. You will also find images of the environment we live in. In addition, I've also included some projects you might find of interest. Dive in! No floating jacket necessary...

Jacqueline's Garden

Here is the Gallery where you can take a visual tour of Jacqueline's Garden. Hover the cursor over each image to see the corresponding caption. Click to go to the presentation. ~Photography by Jean-Claude.

Nature and its plentiful gifts

Here is the Gallery where you sample the colors of Autumn, feel the earthy tones of a nescent Spring, walk the trails of Huckle Hill Road and Bald Mountain. Hover the cursor over each image to see the corresponding caption. Click to go to the presentation. ~Photography by Jean-Claude

Other Projects

Other Projects you might find interesting. Hover the cursor over each image to see the corresponding caption.Click to go to the presentation. ~Photography by Jean-Claude, unless otherwise indicated.


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We do hope you have seen some images which will leave you a lasting impression. You do now understand to a greater degree the passion Jacqueline has for her garden, her deep connection with Nature and her love for the environment. Please do come back for a further visit since we will add images at regular times.